食道 気管 (肺静脈、下方) 肺動脈 大動脈弓 上大静脈 anatomy国試 Feb 4, 2021, 3:05 AM HirotoShishido
location of common carotid artery and thyroid gland総頸動脈は甲状腺上極より頭側(甲状軟骨上縁付近)で内頸動脈と外頸動脈に分岐するため,分岐部付近に甲状腺組織は存在しない. 必修anatomy Jul 20, 2020, 9:00 PM HirotoShishido
De Quervain tenosynovitisNoninflammatory thickening of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons→ pain or tenderness at radial styloid.
⊕ Finkelstein test (pain at radial styloid with active or passive stretch of thumb tendons).↑risk in new mothers, golfers, racquet sport players, “thumb” texters. musculoskeletalanatomy Jul 4, 2020, 5:54 AM HirotoShishido
three major branches from common femoral veindeep femoral vein, femoral vein, great saphenous vein musculoskeletalanatomy Jul 4, 2020, 4:03 AM HirotoShishido
what nerve does anterior/posterior tibial artery run with?anterior tibial artery→ deep peroneal nerve
posterior tibial artery→ tibial nerve musculoskeletalanatomy Jul 4, 2020, 3:52 AM HirotoShishido
distortions of the handClawing”—seen best with distal lesions of median or ulnar nerves. Remaining extrinsic flexors of the digits exaggerate the loss of the lumbricalsfingers extend at MCP, flex at DIP and PIP joints.
Deficits less pronounced in proximal lesions; deficits present during voluntary flexion of the digits. musculoskeletalanatomy Jul 4, 2020, 1:38 AM HirotoShishido
what nerve will be injured?femoral nerve
Femoral nerve mononeuropathy can occur due to trauma (eg, pelvic fracture), compression from a ☆hematoma or abscess, or injury during surgery/childbirth. Findings of femoral neuropathy include quadriceps weakness (eg, difficulty with stairs, falling due to knee buckling), decreased patellar reflex, and ☆sensory loss over the anterior and medial thigh and medial leg. musculoskeletalanatomyUWorld Jul 3, 2020, 9:20 PM HirotoShishido
position of
internal iliac artery, uterine artery, and ureter(from the anterior to the posterior side)
impaired movement of fingers caused by ①lunate dislocation, ②guyon canal syndrome①Recurrent branch of the median nerve to the thenar muscles: weakness of the abductor pollicis brevis (thumb abduction), flexor pollicis brevis (thumb flexion), and opponens pollicis (thumb opposition)
② ulnar nerve) between the hook of the hamate and the pisiform bone in a fibroosseous tunnel → Guyon's canal
weakness on wrist flexion/adduction, finger abduction/adduction, and flexion of the fourth/fifth digits.
The hypothenar eminence can appear flattened due to denervated muscle atrophy... musculoskeletalanatomyUWorld Jul 3, 2020, 3:38 AM HirotoShishido
kidney transplantThe native kidneys are typically left in place, and the donor kidney is placed retroperitoneally in the right iliac fossa.
Blood supply is established by anastomosing the donor renal artery with the recipient's ☆external iliac artery.
Although the transplanted ureter will continue to receive blood ☆through the donor's renal artery, the most distal portion may be susceptible to ischemia due to lack of anastomotic connections. renalanatomyUWorld Jun 28, 2020, 12:26 AM HirotoShishido
what bone fractures can cause CNⅤ/Ⅶ injuriesⅤ branches are located in the sphenoid bone→ at risk with trauma to the orbit or anterior face
spread of psoas abscessinfection of appendix, right ureter, renal pelvis, pancreatic head process, and ☆spine can cause psoas abscess to form
spread of the pus along the psoas muscle can lead to abscess formation in the ☆groin and pain reffered to that region anatomyUWorld SIM2 Jun 21, 2020, 3:17 AM HirotoShishido
IVC(inferior vena cava) obstruction caused by RCC(renal cell carcinoma)IVC obstruction can occur due to intraluminal extension and thrombus formation, rather than mass effect from the tumor itself.
The obstruction can occur acutely or gradually over time. In chronic cases, collateral venous circulation may develop based on the site of the obstruction. Prominent abdominal wall collateral veins(☆tortuous abdominal veins), and ☆symmetric bilateral lower extremity pitting edema suggest obstruction of the upper segment of the IVC. renalanatomyUWorld Jun 7, 2020, 2:42 AM HirotoShishido
what nerve accompanies brachial artery through the cubital fossa?only the ☆median nerve accompanies brachial artery through the cubital fossa into the proximal anterior forearm, where the brachial artery splits into the radial and ulnar arteries musculoskeletalanatomyUWorld Jun 1, 2020, 12:38 AM HirotoShishido
retroperitoneal abdominal organsSuprarenal (adrenal) glands
Aorta and IVC
Duodenum (2nd through 4th parts)
(head and body) Pancreas (except tail)
Colon (descending and ascending)
Esophagus (thoracic portion)
Rectum (mid-distal) gastrointestinalanatomyUWorld May 31, 2020, 10:54 AM HirotoShishido
treatment for hyperhidrosisSystemic anticholinergic medications (eg, oxybutynin), local anticholinergic injectable medications (eg, botulinum toxin), or surgical sympathectomy may be used to treat hyperhidrois.
Surgical sympathectomy for primary focal hyperhidrosis of the axilla uses electrocoagulation to target the ☆thoracic sympathetic trunk at the T2 sympathetic segment.
penis anatomy
which part does cGMP affectcorpus cavernosum/ corpus spongiosum
→ tunica albuginea→ Buck's(deep) fascia→ Dartos(superficial) fascia→ skin
cGMP mediates relaxation in the smooth muscle cells that surround the cavenous venous sinuses of the copora cavenosa reproductiveanatomyUWorld SIM1 May 26, 2020, 5:45 AM HirotoShishido
what structure is most likely to be injured due to tibiofemoral dislocation☆Popliteal artery is tightly fixed in the popliteal fossa both proximally by the adductor magnus and distally by the soleus muscle, making it highly susceptible to injury in both anterior and posterior knee dislocations. musculoskeletalanatomyUWorld SIM1 May 25, 2020, 9:24 PM HirotoShishido