Short Stature DDxABCDEFG
Alone (neglected infant)
Bone dysplasias (rickets, scoliosis, mucopolysaccharidoses)
Chromosomal (Turner, Down)
Delayed growth (constitutional) Endocrine (low GH, Cushing, hypothyroid)
GI malabsorption (celiac, Crohn’s) pediatricsendocrinology Oct 20, 2020, 2:58 AM HirotoShishido
尿崩症治療後の注意点AVPに比べ作用時間が長く,昇圧作用もないため,第一選択薬として使用される.なお,治療により尿量が低下しても飲水習慣が持続して水過剰(水中毒)による低Na血症を来すことがある.このため,薬物治療開始後,☆1週間は毎日体重をチェックし,可能であれば血清Na値も適宜測定する. endocrinology国試 Oct 20, 2020, 2:20 AM HirotoShishido
the difference between Hashimoto encephalopathy and myxedema coma粘液水腫性昏睡は高度の甲状腺機能低下症の状態に感染・外傷などの誘因が加わって,低体温・呼吸不全・循環不全および中枢神経系機能障害をきたす病態である.一方,橋本脳症は自己免疫異常を基盤とし,抗NAE抗体と呼ばれる自己抗体が中枢神経系を傷害することで意識障害や精神症状をきたす疾患であり,甲状腺機能と関係なく発症することが注意点である.粘液水腫性昏睡は甲状腺ホルモンの補充で改善するのに対し,橋本脳症はステロイドが奏効する endocrinology国試過去3回 Oct 5, 2020, 9:47 PM HirotoShishido
adverse effects of thionamidesboth → ★agranulocytosis
methimazole → 1st trimester teratogen
propylthiouracil → hepatic failure, ANCA associaved vasculitis endocrinologyUWorld step2CK Sep 22, 2020, 3:33 AM HirotoShishido
causes of primary hyperparathyroidismIncreased PTH secretion commonly due to parathyroid adenoma, lithium therapy;
less often due to parathyroid carcinoma or parathyroid hyperplasia endocrinologyUWorld step2CK Sep 21, 2020, 7:48 AM HirotoShishido
management of DKA(During DKA, serum glucose exceeds the threshold for reabsorption by the kidneys, resulting in glucosuria and an osmotic diuresis.
→ This diuresis is accompanied by a net renal loss of potassium with depletion of total body potassium stores.)
Treatment involves gradual fluid repletion and insulin administration. Insulin promotes potassium redistribution to the intracellular fluid compartment. Therefore, intravenous fluids are ★supplemented with potassium to prevent hypokalemia. endocrinologyUWorld step2CK Sep 20, 2020, 8:31 AM HirotoShishido