ERG for retinitis pigmentosa, cataractRetinitis pigmenosa
白内障や硝子体出血などで水晶体,硝子体の混濁が強く,眼底が透見できない場合に,視機能を推測する検査としては網膜電図(ERG)の他にも超音波B-mode検査が有効である. ophthalmology卒試国試直前 Oct 19, 2020, 5:10 AM HirotoShishido
etiology of amblyopia• progressive suppression of visual input from eye receiving suboptimal image(blurry, deviated)
• in approximately half of the cases, amblyopia is secondary to strabismus (mainly ☆esotropia)
• other causes may include ★uncorrected refractive errors, anisometropia 不同視弱視 (asymmetric refractive errors, usually in the more ☆hyperopic eye), and deprivation due to structural ocular problems (ptosis, cataract, corneal opacity/scarring, retinoblastoma) ophthalmology卒試UWorld step2CK Oct 18, 2020, 8:22 AM HirotoShishido
treatment of polydactylyAmputation of least functional digit Usually >1 yr of age (when functional status can be assessed) plastic surgerypediatrics卒試 Oct 18, 2020, 7:47 AM HirotoShishido
gestational age for Nuchal translucency U/S11-14w OBGY卒試 Oct 18, 2020, 7:10 AM HirotoShishido
incubation period for each organisms which cause acute diarrheaemetic B cereus 1-6h
S aureus 2-4h
C perfringens 8-12h
diarrheal B cereus 8-16h
Norovirus 1d
Salmonellosis 大腸, V cholerae, EIEC, ETEC 1-3d
Rotavirus 2-4d
☆Campylobacter jejuni 大腸2-10d
EHEC 大腸3-8d
Yersinia 大腸5d
Cryptosporidium 7d
S typhi 大腸10-14d
Giardia lamblia 7-28d
E histolytica 大腸14-28d gastrointestinal卒試 Oct 18, 2020, 6:45 AM HirotoShishido
Indication for operative management of Intussusception発症後時間が経過して壊死が疑われるまたは腹膜炎を伴う場合や,高圧浣腸で整復されない場合は,Hutchinson手技(開腹して内筒を押し出す整復法)を用いる. pediatricssurgery卒試 Oct 18, 2020, 5:00 AM HirotoShishido
Etiology of Postpartum Pyrexiafever>38°C on any 2 of the first 10d postpartum, except the 1st day
Breast: engorgement, mastitis
Wind: atelectasis, pneumonia
Water: UTI
Wound: episiotomy, C/S site infection
Walking: DVT, thrombophlebitis Womb: endometritis OBGY卒試 Oct 18, 2020, 4:08 AM HirotoShishido
treatment of pneumothorax■ stable, small (<2 cm between lung and chest wall on x-ray), minimal symptoms: observation + O2
■ symptomatic or large (>2 cm): aspiration
■ unstable/tension pneumothorax: needle decompression then chest tube, and VATS if unsuccessful
(25-50%) respiratorysurgery卒試 Oct 16, 2020, 4:27 AM HirotoShishido
treatment of hyperkalemia■ [K+] <6.5 and normal ECG
◆ treat underlying cause, stop K+ intake, increase the loss of K+ via urine and/or GI tract
■ [K+] between 6.5 and 7.0, no ECG changes: add insulin to above regimen
■ [K+] >7.0 and/or ECG changes: first priority is to protect the heart, add ★calcium gluconate (counterbalances the membrane depressive effect of hyperkalemia) to above electrolytes卒試UWorld step2CK Oct 14, 2020, 5:01 AM HirotoShishido