vastectomy and viable spermpatient will have viable sperm in distal vas for 3 months and at least 20 ejaculations following vastectomy reproductiveurologyUWorld HirotoShishido
which structure does deep/superficial inguinal nodes receive drainage of☆☆glans penis(deep), scrotum(superficial), ☆skin below umbilicus(superficial) anatomyUWorld HirotoShishido
consent of a partnernot required for a patient to undergo any type of procedure, including sterilization
what is alveolar proteases derived from?alveolar macrophages and infiltrating neutrophils pulmonaryUWorld HirotoShishido
risk fators for diverticular disease☆diet in red meat & fat & low in fiber
obesity, physical inactivity, smoking gastrointestinalUWorld HirotoShishido
FSH and inhibin in the patient with 1 testicle(Sertoli cells are present within the seminiferous tubules of the testes.)
In patients with 1 testicle, the mass of Sertoli cells is significantly reduced. Therefore, the circulating ☆levels of inhibin B are likely to be low in these patients. Low inhibin B levels will not provide adequate negative feedback on FSH secretion, thus ☆FSH levels will tend to be elevated in males who only have 1 testicle. reproductiveUWorld HirotoShishido
locationThoracentesis is typically performed between
①the 6th and 8th ribs along the midclavicular line,
②☆the 8th and 10th ribs along the midaxillary line (above image),
③and the 10th and 12th ribs along the paravertebral line.
This allows pleural fluid to be drained without risking lung injury (which can occur at higher insertion sites). However, insertion of a needle ☆below the 9th rib still risks penetrating abdominal structures. surgeryUWorld HirotoShishido
symptoms, etiologytoxic megacolon
severe abdominal pain with visibly distended colon→ ☆increased risk of colonic perforation(☆colonoscopy and barium contrast are contraindicated)
Predisposing factors include infection with Clostridium difficile, ☆loperamide use (especially in young children<2yo), and ulcerative colitis. gastrointestinalUWorld HirotoShishido
TTP symptomsFAT RN
・Fever(only 1/5)
・microangiopathic hemolytic Anemia→ ☆hallmarks of the diagnosis
・Renal failure(1/2)
・Neurologic symptoms(↓brain perfusion)(2/3) hematologyUWorld HirotoShishido
infection caused by the single strand DNA virus(Parvovirus)
fifth disease(erythema infectiosum)
☆prodromal phase that includes non specific findings such as a low-grade fever, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms
(similar to roseola infantum but this present in children age<2)
→ these are follwed by
erythematous rash that looks like both cheeks have just been slapped
and then, a pruritic maculopapular rash spread over trunk and extremities microbiologypediatricsUWorld HirotoShishido
where does rash start in the patients with roseola infantum, measles, rubellaroseola infantum(exanthem subitum)→starts on trunk and spreads to the face
measles→starts on the head/neck and spreads downward
rubella→starts on face and spreads centrifugally to involve trunk and extremities ☆(postauricular, occipital) lymphadenopathy microbiologypediatricsUWorld HirotoShishido
bacterias which infect humans via
①transformation, ②transduction, ③conjugation①transformation
SHiN(S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae type b, and Nisseria)=Encapsulatea bacteria, ↑prevalence in asplenics
☆direct uptake of extracellular DNA(lysis & relase of DNA)
group A sterp erythrogenic toxin, Botulinum toxin, Cholera toxin, Diphtheria toxin, Shiga toxin