histology of acute eczematous dermatitis☆spongiosis
= an accumulation of edema fluid in the intracellular spaces of the epidermis
→ the intracellular bridges become more distinctive in an edematous background, and the epidermis is often described as "spongy" dermatologyUWorld Jun 30, 2020, 10:50 PM HirotoShishido
PictureLichtenberg figures= erythmatous cutaneous marks in a ☆fern-leaf pattern→ pathognomonic of lightning strike
Although lightning injuries are rare, they are associated with a 25% fatality rate, and more than 70% of survivors have long-lasting complications.
Two-thirds of lightning-related deaths occur within the first hour following injury; the most common causes are ☆fatal arrhythmias and respiratory failure cardiologydermatologyUWorld Jun 27, 2020, 7:25 AM HirotoShishido
use lukewarm water rather than hot and neutral or acidic clensers rather than alkaline soaps when bathing+ moisturlize immediate after bathing to prevent excessive skin water loss dermatologyUWorld SIM2 Jun 20, 2020, 8:34 AM HirotoShishido
histology of liposarcomacells with round clear cytoplasmic vaculoles scalloping the nuclear membrane
the most common soft-tissue sarcoma in adults pathologydermatologyUWorld SIM2 Jun 19, 2020, 10:42 PM HirotoShishido