investigation for the women with solitary palpable breast massesIn adolescents with a suspected fibroadenoma, reassurance and reexamination after the next menstrual cycle maybe appropriate.
However, adults with a palpable breast mass (such as this 24-year-old patient) ★require further evaluation with imaging because history and physical examination alone cannot reliably diagnose or exclude cancer in this population. breast surgeryreproductiveUWorld step2CK Sep 23, 2020, 8:46 AM HirotoShishido
management of hypospadiasDefer circumcision
★Urologic evaluation for surgical repair
+ ★Karyotype, pelvic ultrasound (★if severe hypospadias (eg, scrotal/perineal urethral meatus) with bilateral, nonpalpable gonads may be indicative of a disorder of sex development (DSD)) reproductivepediatricsUWorld step2CK Sep 20, 2020, 6:25 AM HirotoShishido
treatment for postpartum hemorrhageuterine massage, ¥oxytocin. If refractory, surgical ligation of uterine or internal iliac artery (will preserve fertility since ovarian arteries provide collateral circulation). reproductiveOBGYAmboss level4 Jul 9, 2020, 5:44 AM HirotoShishido
↑/↓ hCG↑ → Down syndrome, multiple gestation, hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinomas