measures for post-transplant infection(Vaccinations for pneumococci and hepatitis B are typically given prior to transplant to ensure an adequate immune response)
Post-transplant measures
Monitoring for the following infections:
・CMV viral loads in blood monthly for a minimum of 12 months
・EBV viral loads in blood for a minimum of 12 months
Universal prophylaxis
・PCP prophylaxis with ★trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for a minimum of 6–12 months
・CMV prophylaxis with ganciclovir or valganciclovir for 12–14 weeks transplantationsurgeryUWorld step2CK Dec 4, 2020, 4:31 AM HirotoShishido
Indication for operative management of Intussusception発症後時間が経過して壊死が疑われるまたは腹膜炎を伴う場合や,高圧浣腸で整復されない場合は,Hutchinson手技(開腹して内筒を押し出す整復法)を用いる. pediatricssurgery卒試 Oct 18, 2020, 5:00 AM HirotoShishido
treatment of chylothorax乳び胸の治療は胸腔ドレナージと栄養管理が基本である.胸腔ドレナージにより貯留した乳びを排出し,肺の圧迫を解除する.栄養管理では☆絶食+中心静脈栄養とし,乳びの産生を抑制する.このとき,胸管を介さずに門脈系に取りこまれる中鎖脂肪酸(MCT)の割合を増やすことで,乳びを減らす方法も試みられる.また,近年,オクトレオチド(ソマトスタチンアナログ)が有効であるとの報告もある.
treatment of pneumothorax■ stable, small (<2 cm between lung and chest wall on x-ray), minimal symptoms: observation + O2
■ symptomatic or large (>2 cm): aspiration
■ unstable/tension pneumothorax: needle decompression then chest tube, and VATS if unsuccessful
(25-50%) respiratorysurgery卒試 Oct 16, 2020, 4:27 AM HirotoShishido
penile fracture陰茎折症
① 性交中など陰茎の勃起時に強力な外力が加わって,☆陰茎海綿体白膜が断裂したもの.陰茎海綿体に損傷が及ぶこともある.
② 受傷時には断裂音を伴い,激痛が生じる.血腫のため対側に屈曲する.
③ 治療は,血腫除去と白膜断裂部の縫合を速やかに行う. urologysurgery国試過去3回 Oct 12, 2020, 3:00 AM HirotoShishido
definition of massive hemoptysis, and management for thatbleeding more than 600 mL/24hr or 100 mL/hr
secure airway first,and treat cause; persistent bleeding treated via ★bronchoscopic interventions, embolization, or resection
★Urgent thoracotomy and surgical intervention are reserved for patients with unilateral bleeding who continue to bleed despite initial bronchoscopy and/or pulmonary artery embolization. respiratorysurgeryUWorld step2CK Sep 23, 2020, 8:24 AM HirotoShishido
treatment for large bowel obstruction (LBO)•supportive management: IV fluids, gastrointestinal decompression; 75% require surgical intervention
•surgical correction of obstruction
•volvulus: ☆initial decompression with flexible sigmoidoscopy, operative reduction or sigmoid resection dependent on severity
•mechanical obstruction: ostomy alone(fecal diversion), colectomy with primary anastomosis or Hartmann procedure. May pursue stenting as bridging (follow with another intervention) or palliation gastrointestinalsurgery国試過去3回 Sep 23, 2020, 3:05 AM HirotoShishido
laparotomy is mandatory in the patient with penetrating abdominal trauma if★Hemodynamic instability
Peritoneal penetration & significant organ injury
Free air in abdomen
Blood in NG tube, Foley catheter, or on
DRE(digital rectal exam) gastrointestinalsurgeryUWorld step2CK Sep 22, 2020, 5:03 AM HirotoShishido