■inherently 訳 鉄壁載ってるでぇハゲ🐙
the army’s inherently conservative values
This research is inherently limited in its scope.
The royal family has an inherently political role.
:王室には____政治的な役割が備わっている■inherently 訳 鉄壁載ってるでぇハゲ🐙
the army’s inherently conservative values
This research is inherently limited in its scope.
The royal family has an inherently political role.
:王室にはもともと政治的な役割が備わっている 第1回京大実戦英単語AZB Aug 21, 2022, 8:30 PM Evagreen
call[人] names「人の悪口を言う;人を罵る」
← 「人を [嘘つき·裏切り者など]様々な名前で呼ぶ」 英単語AZB京大過去問 Nov 6, 2022, 4:28 AM Evagreen
return … over and over again何度も何度も立ち戻ってくる 英単語AZB京大過去問 Oct 26, 2022, 4:25 AM Evagreen