etiology of pyoderma gangrenosumoften associated with IBD, rheumatoid conditions(eg. ☆Takayasu arthritis), leukemia, ★myelodysplastic syndrome, and monoclonal gammopathies
usually begins as painless macule/vesicle/pustule/bulla on red/blue base sloughing, leaving a
gangrenous ulcer dermatologyrheumatology国試 Oct 18, 2020, 8:00 AM HirotoShishido
SJS and TENBy convention, SJS denotes <10% of body surface area involvement, >30% is designated as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), and 10%-30% is SJS/TEN overlap. dermatologyUWorld step2CK Oct 5, 2020, 11:39 AM HirotoShishido
① 蕁麻疹の一種であり,真皮下層または皮下組織の限局性浮腫.
② 蕁麻疹と同様に全身に出現するが,特に☆眼瞼,口唇に多い.気道に浮腫を生じた場合には,窒息の危険があるため,☆咽頭内視鏡検査で浮腫の状態を把握する必要がある.
③ 非遺伝性と遺伝性(C1インヒビター欠損症,非常にまれ)の病型がある. dermatology国試過去3年 Sep 21, 2020, 9:35 PM HirotoShishido
mastocytoma=☆urticaria pigmentosa
① 皮膚(真皮)や他の臓器で肥満細胞が増殖する疾患.
② 生後1年ごろまでに発症する小児型と,成人に発症する成人型がある.小児型が多い.
③ 反復性の蕁麻疹様発作と,四肢や体幹に褐色斑,褐色調丘疹が多発する.
④ 病変部に機械的刺激を加えると,肥満細胞からのヒスタミン放出により,膨疹を生じる(Darier徴候 dermatology国試過去3年 Sep 21, 2020, 9:32 PM HirotoShishido
Complications of palmoplantar pustulosis手掌や足蹠の膿疱性皮疹をきたす掌蹠膿疱症(PPP:palmoplantar pustulosis)の約10%に多発関節炎,胸鎖関節炎,脊椎炎を伴うことがあり,掌蹠膿疱症性骨関節炎(PAO:palmoplantar pustulotic arthro-osteitis)と呼ぶ.皮膚・骨・関節に症状を認めるSAPHO症候群の一亜型に位置付けられる.SAPHO症候群はSynovitis(滑膜炎),Acne(痤瘡),Pustulosis(膿疱症),Hyperostosis(骨化症),Osteitis(骨炎)の頭文字を取った症候群 この概念はpsoriatic arthritis を含む
histology of acute eczematous dermatitis☆spongiosis
= an accumulation of edema fluid in the intracellular spaces of the epidermis
→ the intracellular bridges become more distinctive in an edematous background, and the epidermis is often described as "spongy" dermatologyUWorld Jun 30, 2020, 10:50 PM HirotoShishido
PictureLichtenberg figures= erythmatous cutaneous marks in a ☆fern-leaf pattern→ pathognomonic of lightning strike
Although lightning injuries are rare, they are associated with a 25% fatality rate, and more than 70% of survivors have long-lasting complications.
Two-thirds of lightning-related deaths occur within the first hour following injury; the most common causes are ☆fatal arrhythmias and respiratory failure cardiologydermatologyUWorld Jun 27, 2020, 7:25 AM HirotoShishido
use lukewarm water rather than hot and neutral or acidic clensers rather than alkaline soaps when bathing+ moisturlize immediate after bathing to prevent excessive skin water loss dermatologyUWorld SIM2 Jun 20, 2020, 8:34 AM HirotoShishido
histology of liposarcomacells with round clear cytoplasmic vaculoles scalloping the nuclear membrane
the most common soft-tissue sarcoma in adults pathologydermatologyUWorld SIM2 Jun 19, 2020, 10:42 PM HirotoShishido